I am now an undergraduate student at School of Cyber Science and Engineering (SCSE) at Wuhan University (WHU), with a strong research interest in Artificial Intelligence Security & Privacy. In June 2022, I joined the AISec lab, where I had the privilege of being mentored by Prof. Run Wang.

On my academic homepage, you can find information about my research endeavors, publications, and honours. My current research interests includes adversarial machine learning, ownership verification of DNNs and the security of LLMs. I have spent wonderful times in collaborating with Yan Cai, Weifeng Liu and Boheng Li.

🔥 News

  • 2023.11: I was awarded the LeiJun Computer Science Undergraduate Scholarship”(60 candidates per year in WHU) by Wuhan University & Xiaomi Technologies Co., Ltd.

  • 2023.07: One paper is accepted by ACM MM 2023.

  • 2023.05: Invited as a reviewer by ACM MM.

  • 2022.10: I won the National Scholarship (0.2% national-wide), and my average GPA ranks first in the major (1/284).

📝 Publications

$^\dagger$: equal contribution, $^*$: corresponding author

Other 1 papers regarding IP protection of DL have currently been submitted to CCF-A tier conferences.

🏆 Competition Awards

  • First Prize. The 16th Chinese Collegiate Computing Competition National Finals 2023.09

  • First Prize. The 2023 National Final of the National University Business Elite Challenge Innovation and Entrepreneurship Track 2023.11

  • Third Prize. The 2022 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press · National Talent Cup Reading Competition Third Prize 2022.12

  • Patents. Two computer software copyrights and one invention patent.

🎖 Scholarships and Honors

  • 2023.11 LeiJun Computer Science Undergraduate Scholarship (Award Rate: 60/59774=0.1%) Wuhan University & Xiaomi Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • 2023.10 Merit Student (Award Rate: 60/59774=0.1%) Wuhan University
  • 2023.10 First Class Scholarship of WHU (Award Rate: 5% school-wide) Wuhan University
  • 2022.10 Merit Student (Award Rate: 10% school-wide) Wuhan University
  • 2022.10 First Class Scholarship of WHU (Award Rate: 5% school-wide) Wuhan University
  • 2022.5 Excellent Student Cadre (Award Rate: 924/59774=1.5%) Wuhan University